Three Branch River Grove, ADF of Hampton Roads, VA welcomes all honest seekers and insists that all people be treated with respect and kindness. We do not tolerate any discrimination based on religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, or any other basis.
We are an anti-racist group.
We welcome and appreciate diversity. We work toward social justice in our grove and in the world. We acknowledge that none of us are perfect. We are committed to continuous improvement.
The United States was founded and built on racism and bigotry, and while there are more hard-won legal protections today for people of color, the work is far from complete. The current political climate emboldens racists and bigots, especially those in positions of power. They must be held to account. They must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Recent events compel us, individually and as a grove, to stand against systemic racism. As members of grove leadership who benefit from white privilege, we need to ask and listen to those who live with racism daily. We resolve to follow their lead and respect their wishes.
The actions of law enforcement in the oppression and murder of George Floyd and so many other people of color revolts us. Police brutality against members of the press and innocent bystanders is unacceptable.
We are an anti-racist group.
Black lives matter.
Three Branch River Grove, ADF of Hampton Roads, VA strives for justice.
Without justice, there is no peace.
In the words of Three Cranes Grove, ADF and with thanks to the authors:…/……/…