Monday, May 6, 2024

9 Virtues: Integrity

More in the ADF 9 Virtues Series. 

"Integrity" from the Latin "integritatem" which means "soundness, wholeness, completeness." 

Learn more in this VIDEO from ADF Archdruid Jon Drum.

#neopagan #pagan #druid #druidry #adfdruid #paganism

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Brightest blessings from ADF! The cross-quarter high day of Beltane welcomes the return of summer in the northern hemisphere. Beltane is referenced in several works of early Irish literature, and today is celebrated by Druids, Wiccans, and other Neopagans as one of the major festivals in the wheel of the year. 

#druidry #druid #adfdruid #pagan #neopagan #beltane #neopaganism